1. 20 March 2025 Virtual LMD Regular Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m. To view the draft agenda for this meeting click here.
To join this meeting click on the Join the meeting now link under item #3 below.
2. To join a Lake Lawrence LMD scheduled virtual meeting all you need to do is click on the "Join the meeting now" line below:
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3. Lake Lawrence - Results of algae samples taken 4 Feb 25 showed Microcystin levels of 0.32 ug/L which is below the state recreational guideline of 8.0 ug/L. As of 10 Feb 25 the toxic algae WARNING for Lake Lawrence as been lifted after 16 weeks.
When there is an algae bloom present or you suspect that an algae bloom is occurring, we recommend extra precautions be taken to avoid the health risks posed by potential toxins.
Do not drink the lake water.
Avoid contact with water containing algae. Do not swim or water ski in areas with algae.
Keep pets and livestock away from areas where algae blooms are present.
When fishing, use only catch-and-release of any fish caught during an algae bloom.
Do not eat fish that come from the lake during an algae bloom.
Avoid areas of scum when boating.
You can learn more about toxic algae blooms and health risks
at www.nwtoxicalgae.org or call 360-867-2626.
See Water Quality Testing and Toxic Algae buttons in the ribbon above for more information.
1. 20 February 2025 LMD Renewal Work Session meeting notes - click here. To view a copy of the presentation slides for this meeting click here.
2. 17 October 2024 Draft LMD Meeting Minutes. Click here.
3. 17 October 2024 LMD Meeting Presentation Slides. Click here.
4. Approved 2024 Lake Lawrence State of Lake Report. Click here.
5. 25 July 2024 Cyanobacteria Management Plan Public Meeting Presentation. Click here.
6. 18 July 2024 LMD Approved Meeting Minutes. Click here.
7. 18 June 2024 approved contract for Cyanobacteria Management Plan (CMP) Study. lick here.
8. v21.0 of the Thurston County and Lake Management District Standard Operating Procedures currently out for BoCC Approval. Click here.
9. Approved Lake Lawrence 2025/26 Budget & Work Plan. Click here.
10. RCW 36.61 Bill Amendment S3518.1. Click here.
Thurston County Healthy Lakes
​Thurston County Lake Management

Don't break the law. No fires on shoreline. Pack it in Pack it out.
Fires and trash hurts everyone and is harmful to the park and wildlife.

The Lake Lawrence Lake Management District
The Lake Lawrence Lake Management District was initially created by the Thurston County Board of County Commissioners in 1986 pursuant to Chapter 36.61 RCW, Lake and Beach Management Districts Chapter 36.61 RCW: LAKE AND BEACH MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS (wa.gov). It is the oldest Lake Management District in Washington State. The Lake Management District must be renewed periodically in accordance with its forming resolution. Lake Lawrence is currently operating under a ten-year resolution that expires 31 December 2026. Prior to that date the members of the Lake Management District must either vote to renew this 37+ year old Lake Management District or allow it to expire, which would be detrimental to the health of this eutrophic lake.
The intent of the Washington State legislature in authoring RCW 36.61 was to promote the health of aquatic ecosystems in order to: 1) Conserve natural or scenic resources; 2) protect riparian habitats and water quality; 3) promote conservation of soils, wetlands, shorelines, or tidal marshes; 4) enhance the value of lakes or beaches to the public as well as the benefit of abutting or neighboring parks, forests, wildlife preserves, nature reservations or sanctuaries, or other open space; 5) enhance recreation opportunities; 6) preserve historic sites; and 7) protect visual quality along highway, road, street, trail, recreational, and other corridors or scenic vistas.
The state realized they could not fund the necessary stewardship of all 7,000+ lakes in Washington State so authored this chapter to establish a governmental mechanism by which property owners can embark on a program of lake or beach improvement and maintenance for their and the general public’s benefit, health, and welfare.
15735 Topaz Dr. SE
Yelm, WA 98597
GOAL: The Lake Lawrence Lake Management District Steering Committee goal is to work in partnership with the County to direct Lake Management District activities to insure a high-level of lake health while balancing the multi-use, public and private, of the lake.
a. Monitor and review the Lake Management District budget and budget process on a quarterly basis.
b. Review current management practices, surveys, studies and environmental impacts for continued process improvement.
c. In partnership with County staff, manage nuisance/noxious weed growth and their underlying causes to reduce nutrient loading of the lake.
d. Continue cooperative efforts with the Stormwater Utility to reduce the introduction of stormwater directly into the lake.
e. In coordination with State and County agencies, address emergent problems affecting the lake.
f. Represent the Lake Management District residents in partnership with Thurston County for LMD related issues.
g. Promote educational opportunities in lake management practices, water quality, habitat enhancement and responsible lake stewardship topics for Lake Management District residents.